Bringing Peace to the Planet

Bringing Peace to the Planet

So many concerned people have asked me to comment about what we can possibly do to create more peace on the planet in these “challenging” and changing times. My heart goes out to all those who are suffering or in fear. Many of you report feeling waves of grief, anxiety, fear or depression. There is something you can do. It is possible to shift the consciousness – and therefore the outer manifestations. I believe one of the best ways to bring peace and harmony to the planet is first to embody inner peace, love and harmony within ourselves.

Our thoughts and energy can make a huge difference – we can actually affect the consciousness – even globally. You’re a beautiful, loving and divine being who has the ability to create wonderful things in the world. Remembering who you truly are, focusing on love, peace, and compassion, rather than on fear or judgement – is how we can bring peace and harmony into our experience here.
Great mystic spiritual teachers have said what we experience inside is what will radiate out, the outer world is a reflection of our inner world. So breathing deeply, trusting, expressing loving energy, and projecting positive visions is not just fluff or woo-woo thinking, it’s real… and it’s powerful.

If you want to add your energy to positive, loving and powerful visions, there are also various peace meditations and events around the world. Here are just a few of them. Whatever we focus on increases, so when people join together with a common focus and strong intention for love, peace, and harmony that energy increases. It does make a difference. …You make a difference. Thank you for caring. Thank you for believing. A new world can arise – life filled with love, peace, and joy.

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